Haere mai Sammy B!
This one has been a long time coming. Not just the month it has taken me to actually get around to writing about it (where the hell did that go Sam??!!), but more than 4 years it has taken us to build the business to the point where we could take the next big leap...and it is with that we welcome aboard our man Sammy B (Sam Burton, formally) the first actual employee of Indemic.
Sam brings with him a broad range of experience in Industrial Design, brand strategy and mechanical engineering, cultivated during his time working in consultancies both here and abroad. We have had the pleasure of knowing Sam for the better part of 12 years, right from the early days of pulling all-nighters at Massey design school in Wellington, and are super stoked that those pipe-dreams of one day being able to work together have finally come to fruition. We are looking forward to introducing Sam to our clients both present and future, and continuing to develop and expand on those relationships with the growing offering Sam brings to the Indemic table.
You can check out some of Sams work here; http://cargocollective.com/samburton
....and because I dont have a pretty picture of the man himself lying about, google has given me what may or may not be an actual pic of Sam..
Source: http://static.fairfaxrural.com.au/multimedia/images/crop/450x0/2046772.jpg